Things about me you probably don't know...
I am one of those strange people who loves to organize. I lived in a townhouse for a couple of years, and my walk-in closet was a thing of beauty.
Those people who get paid to organize people's stuff? I can't even imagine getting paid to do that. Unfortunately, where I live, no one would even think of paying someone for that. There are women who clean people's houses, but that doesn't usually include the whole organization thing.
I have one whole shelf of my bookcase that is nothing but books about organization. My favorite website? If you ever wished you had a better system for cleaning your home, FLYlady is who you need! My favorite book is "The 15-Minute Organizer" by Emilie Barnes. Is this strange or what?? LOL.. Once when I did the SAHM thing for about a year, my kitchen pantry was alphabetized, there were outlines on the shelf paper in the cabinets where the pots and pans went so that anyone putting away my dishes would know EXACTLY where on the shelf they went.
The first thing I do when I get really mad? CLEAN!
Lauren grew up calling me the "Queen of Clean". She inherited my love of organizing, although she also inherited Rick's pack-rat sickness, so she has a lot of work ahead of her, I'm afraid...LOL.
I have also had a lot of people who called me "Betty Homemaker"...LOL In 4 years of high school I took 5 home economics classes. I made my prom dress for my senior prom.
How anyone could let their house get like this couple's home is beyond me, but my heart goes out to the family for such a tragic death.
(Maybe this "Things about me your probably don't know" can become a regular Friday evening feature for a while, until I run out of things you don't know about
I've known people that live in messes like that. I can't stand it. I'm not a clean/neat freak by any means, but organization is a must. Everything must have it's place and be in it. Well, I'm not that organized, everything has it's place, but it's not always in it. Does that sound more realistic? But still, you get my point.
I understand exactly. It makes life so much easier.
Even if a person's things are not "organized", just accumulating that much stuff boggles my mind...
When Rick was little he had almost nothing - I think that may be why he saves everything, and hates to throw things away because he "Might need them someday."
'Stuff' with no reason for being just stresses me out!
OH!MY!GOSH! You're a FlyBaby! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Me too! except that I don't follow it to the tee. I mostly read all the stuff and hope one day... That is soooo cool!
Why does it not surprise me that you are a FLYbaby too!? LOL...
I have had to "creatively adjust" the routines and stuff, since I don't have my own house, and for working FKYbabies there is no way to do it unless you do change the routines! That is cool...
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