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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Reruns, pt.I

I went back on the old blog, and found a few entries that I liked.. not neccesarily ones that got a lot of comments, but ones that I liked...
Here is the first one I found, from the first month of that other blog...

June 27, 2004
Time in my garden
I spent some time in my garden this morning, after work. Nothing like a quiet Sunday morning, cup of coffee sitting by, pulling a few weeds, and really taking the time to see every new leaf, and bud in my small garden. Granted, its nothing elaborate, but its still my favorite form of "stress relief".
Here in this tiny town in southwest Kansas, Sunday mornings are so still, and most of the time all I can hear is the mourning doves calling. There is an old shed at the back of my garden with a large ivy patch. I set up my little garden bench there, and while the ivy slowly grows up the wrought iron legs of the bench, I sit and contemplate the meaning of life in the swirls of my coffee cup.


Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Aw, what a relaxing post. You make me want a cup of coffee right now. I love where you set up your little garden, back by the shed. Is it still flourishing?

10:54 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Actually the only thing still there is the shed and the ivy... That is at the house we own, and since we can't pay for the utilities and are living with my mom, our daughter and her boyfriend are living in that house....
We may eventually sell it to our daughter, so that we can find a place in the country, if Irck ever gets a real job... *sigh*

11:23 AM  

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