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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Live as expected, Dream free....

Listening to some classic rock this morning. I usually don’t listen to it; too many memories.
Rick has a paper route that he does on Sundays that I help him with, and early this morning I turned the radio to a classic rock station. The first song, the one that was playing that made me stop and stay there was “Light My fire”, The Doors.
Now, there are not words to describe how obsessed I was with the Doors in high school. Never mind the fact that Jim Morrison died when I was 4! I loved them – the sound, Jim’s writing…
Now, I can’t enjoy the Doors without just a little twinge in my heart… They remind me of Sir… (they were his favorite band, although all we listened to really was the blues… which, by the way, I also love….)
Something about classic rock songs just makes me feel like a new person, with every song I change just a little bit…. Right now, “All right now” by Free is playing… Reminds me of being outside, some keg party somewhere, beer in one hand, cigarette in the other, dancing with my eyes closed and my bare feet in the grass… Wearing a Mid-Continent Harley-Davidson tee shirt… (I still have one in my closet, by the way, although this one is/was Sir’s) Smell of a hog cooking, maybe a whiff of pot coming from somewhere in the crowd… The Jovan Musk that all us girls wore back then... (come on, someone out there remembers it, square bottle? Orange lid? LOL) people laughing and acting crazy… Oh to feel that free just one more time….

Sometimes being a ‘grown-up’ is a drag, ya know?


Blogger Jayne said...

No kidding. I also love the Doors and their music always transports me to high school, care free, intense, partying. I also avoid some music that is too painful of a reminder of others . . .

11:02 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

My mother says she "doesn't have time" to listen to music... She was a young woman when all the greatest music was coming into existance and she never listened to any of it... How can someone live without music?? (If it isn't Elvis or Johnny Mathis she doesn't know it...LOL)

11:08 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Writhing in adulthood does suck sometimes. It's good when a song pulls a memory out and it's then that we can savor that memory, close our eyes and really feel it, like chocolate on our tongue...

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

adulthood does suck doesn't it. especially being a responsible adult.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Yes it does... especially when you see those people who don't ever become a responsible adult, and they are still having fun!...LOL

2:12 PM  

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