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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Interesting night...

Well, we made an interesting trip to the emergency room last night.
We went fishing, as usual. Having a great time in fact, Rick and I had a great conversation.
I don’t know how much you know about catfish, but catfish had a fin on each side of their body. Those fins have a very sharp bone line spine that runs along the tip of the fin, most people call the ‘barb’ (I don’t think that is an official name for it…LOL). I had caught a fish, and as I started to unhook it, my other pole started jerking, so Rick told me that he would get the fish off for me.
As he grabbed the fish, it turned and stabbed his hand with the barb. The barb is called that because it is round, pointed, and has small barbs all along it – once it goes in, it is near impossible to get it out.
The fish was stuck on his hand, he was bleeding like crazy, and the fish kept trying to flop, burying the barb deeper and deeper. He got control of the fish, and I got a knife and cut the barb off of the fish. Rick tried to get it out of his had, but it wasn’t coming. It was buried too deep. (If you make and “L” with your thumb and first finger, the barb was buried just inside the webbed part, almost clear through Rick’s hand.

Here is some information I found online. HERE:
“Catfish Barb Punctures
Catfish barbs inject venom. The venom is heat labile and produces severe pain. Immersing the body part in very warm water minimizes the discomfort. Intravenous pain and antiemetic medications are often necessary. Because benzodiazepines make the effector neurons less excitable to the transmission of stimuli to the brain, they are helpful with the anxiety and fear.”
You can go HERE to see a small barb stuck in a man’s arm.

We packed up the truck, dropped Isaiah off and Lauren’s house, and I took Rick to the E.R.
The nurse cleaned it up while waiting for Doctor Chris to get there. He numbed it all around, and tried to pull it out, but it wasn’t coming, so he had to make a small cut in Rick’s hand and sort of dig it out. Rick said the 10 minute flushing out of the hole was the most painful part of the whole thing. That, and the tetanus shot. (You never know where that catfish has been…LOL)
So… Rick is in a lot of pain this morning, and we have a nice new medical bill to look forward to!
Our conversation last night made me really realize a few things.
He asked me if Sir changed his mind about Isaiah and came back for me, (which he would never do, by the way) would I go? I thought about it… And realized that the answer is NO, I wouldn’t.
It’s not Sir that I am longing for, too much water under the bridge, even though I will love him until I die. I made a commitment back in December to this relationship with Rick, and this is where I will stay. It’s having a strong, mature, responsible man and a good relationship that I am longing for…. (A love life would be nice, too, since that is completely non-existent now).
Rick used to be a lot better than he is now. I think maybe he is suffering from mild depression from not being able to get a job for so long. I don’t know, but I do know that I am committed to this relationship. Rick is whom I want to be with. That was actually a bit of a revelation to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Am, (I think I say that alot here. You are always giving me reasons to) what a conversation. And what revelations, realizations to come to. It probably felt good to have it hmmm? Did you get a chance to tell him what you want out of your relationship? What you need from him? If so, do you think he understood? And your love life..is it you or him that hasn't made the first step, or was it a mutual agreement? Gee, personal aren't I? Maybe I should write you an email. :o\
You were right to go straight to the ER. My Husband had one go into his foot working one day, about a year after we met. He went straight to the Dr. and got it tended to, but it still swelled up and was very ugly for a week or so. He had to go every day to get those really strong antibiotic shots in his backside. He works around the water and knows all about those nasty microbacteria that can cause you to lose parts of your body. PLEASE PLEASE keep an eye on it and keep it cleaned out really good. Follow ALL Dr. orders and DON'T skimp on the meds. I hope it gets better soon, without any complications.
Love ya girl.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

He knows what I need from a relationship, but he has no idea how to give it to me... I was just having a chat with a friend, and I told hiim that the three things that I need from a man are confidence, intelligence, and trust... and Rick doesn't seem to be capable... not that he isn't smart, but... we will see where it goes...Maybe I can change...
It's not that he doesn't want to make me happy...

I will make sure that he keeps that hand cleaned... He just wanted to yank it out with pliers, but I told him there was no way!

9:09 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Be honest, girl. He was noodlin' wasn't he?

I loved our IM convo about this. Thanks for letting me in a little. Loved it.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Actually, he gave up noodleing years ago... I guess there's a good reason, huh? LOL

Talking to you is the highlight of my days, Luv... You are very welcome...

10:06 AM  

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