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Monday, June 26, 2006

I want to live anonymously

The following is what happens when I let my imagination just ramble…
You all know that I really want a place in the country, and chickens, and a huge garden and herb garden… But part of me, wants this:

I want to live anonymously.

I want to live in a third floor walk up.
I want to wait tables, and sell stories.

I want to order in Chinese food, and
Shop at farmers markets.

I want to fall asleep in my
Brick walled
Bohemian apartment to the
Flash of neon.

I want to decorate with velvet,
Scarves, and beads.

I want to return to the
Kohl black eyeliner
I used to live in,
I want to live in black leather.

I want to live my life without

© 2006, Amethyst Rising


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really good. I always wanted to own a used bookstore with an apartment above it, with cats and comfy chairs. I wanted to be not only a used book store owner, but one you'd call to find that elusive book, one who goes to estate sales and such to find used books for folks. There are such places in New Orleans. I too wanted velvet and gauze and beads and that old city native bohemian life(style).
We got what we got hmmm? It's ok to dream, then we must make our reality the best it can be.
This was really good. Thanks for sharing.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Thanks, Jules.
Dreams are fun, but if I lived this lifestyle, I would probably be writing about living on a farm...lol
Just fun thinking of different lives I could be living..
The bookstore sounds wonderful. In high school I wanted an old book shore too, or at least work in one, in London...lol Of course, in Junior High I wanted to be a Forensic Scientist, so....LOL

8:44 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

I was very happy with this poem the first time I read it. It is brilliant the second time also.

Very simple and well put, honey.


3:32 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

well, thank you! It was actually meant to just be a descriptive list of things part of me wanted, but it had a mind of its own...lol

4:10 PM  
Blogger Salar37_Shushan said...

enjoyed your poem! I think you just inspired me :-D


4:31 PM  

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