Just what I needed, right?
I used to have cockatiels, and I really love birds. Rhonda figured I have more time to take care of them than anyone else she knew, and she knew I would never say no to “rescued” animals…LOL
SO, I now have lovely, and loud, background music to everything I do.
They haven’t been played with much, and try to bite me when I reach into the cage. Does anyone have cockatiels? Can I get them used to me? Will they eventually sit of my hand, or since they have not been messed with is it too late?
They are very pretty. I hate their names, though, so I may change them… They are currently Jack and Jill, which lead to another question…. How can I tell which is Jack and which is Jill?? One is almost completely gray, with paler orange spot on its cheek; the other is darker gray with a yellow head and bright orange spot.
Guess I will just have to look them up on the internet today.
While it's nice and all, I would have thanked Rhonda, then opened the cages in the back yard. I don't know if I could get dumped with critters like that!
Rhonda knows I love animals, and have always had lots of them around. She just asked if I wanted them and I said sure. I knew that my son would love them too...
Just call me Ellie Mae...LOL I have always brought all kinds of animals home... especially out in the I fed anything that came to the house...
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