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Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I used to think that I was born with the sign “Use me and lose me” on my forehead, but now I realize that I put it there myself.
My low self-esteem radiated a certain energy field that men picked up on, and it guided the way they treated me.
Probably why I am back with Rick – He is the only man I have ever been with that I felt I could be myself without being cut down, or told that the way I thought or felt about certain things was “dumb”. He just loves me with no expectations of who he thinks I should be.

I have been working through some “issues” in this department, and have found some interesting links. I don’t know if anyone who reads my blog can benefit from them, but I am sure that everyone that reads it knows someone who can.

Coping with a relationship breakup

Addictive relationships

Why some women seem to attract the wrong men

All of these links provided me with a glimpse into myself… And the ability to become stronger, and to rely on loving myself, and not on the love of a man to validate me.


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