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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Movie clip

I was flipping through channels on the television tonight. I do that when I am pissed at the whole world and just don't want to think about anything of any importance.
I saw a few minutes of some movie where a woman was talking to a man. She asked him why guys say they will call when they don't.
I thought about that a few minutes. You hear that question a lot in movies, and television shows, and even in real life. Did you notice the man never answers?
Guys, if you don't plan on calling, just don't call. We can take it. Really.
Also, if you are in a relationship that is just not working, just tell her that. Don't make up some "problem" to come between you as an excuse to call it off.
If you meet someone else you would rather be with, just tell her that. Don't make up some elaborate scheme so you can use the old "it's not you, it's me" line.
Most women are stronger than you give them credit for. Hell, half of the time the woman is just as glad to get out of a lousy relationship as you are.
If you have any respect for her at all, don't make up crap. Tell it to her straight. Sure, it may hurt her feelings for a while, but the truth usually gives more closure that her figuring out after several months the truth of what you really meant to say, but didn't have the balls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, this goes ditto for women too. Guys don't understand beating around the bush. You HAVE to give it to them straight, or they just won't get it. If you don't want to see them anymore, say that, don't say "I have to wash my hair that night". Guys would rather hear it straight too. It saves them alot of time and heartache, too.
just my 2 cents.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I am sure you are right. I have never broke off a relationship, so I don't know. (other than Hawk, and that is a whole 'nother story)I sound like a real victim, don't I...LOL

2:11 PM  

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