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Saturday, January 28, 2006

What'll they complain about next??

I received the most incredible thing in the mail from Planned Parenthood. Three "Letters of Objection" to sign and mail, one each for the CEOs of Wal-Mart, Target, and Winn-Dixie.
According to PP, these companies have policies that if a pharmacist is opposed to birth control, they do not have to fill a woman's prescription.
Not the "Day-after pill", we are talking regular birth control pills! That is so insane! If you don't approve of certain drugs, don't be a pharmacist!!!
Next thing you know, those who believe that HIV is caused mainly by homosexuals will be able to refuse to fill prescriptions for AIDs patients. Opposed to smoking? You don't have to fill the prescription of the man suffering from emphasema. When does it stop? It's crazy.
I guess it won't hurt for me to sign these and send them in. I don't always agree with Planned Parenthood, so I never actually send them money, or "join", but this is worth my signature, if they are correct.


Blogger SunsetMan said...

I like the Planed Parenthood group better than the Unplaned Parenthood group. That UP group don't believe in sex education or conception control. They want the earth to be overrun with people.

Damn, I sure could get into a rant about these people.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Every night you see infomercials about giving money to starving children... A Band-Aid... Yet trying to give third world women birth control is not an option in many countries... Birth control would treat the illness, not the symptom, in my opinion...

11:11 PM  
Blogger SunsetMan said...

The same people that want our money to feed the children do not believe in conception control. I might give money to ship condoms to those countries. So I agree with your idea of what to do to fix the problem instead of just treating the symptom.

Also the people who take the money from the infomercials live a very good live style off of the money that should be going to the hungry children.

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you Am. If you are opposed to birth control and don't want to dispense it, don't be a pharmacist, or get your own drug store! Sheech, what will they think of next? Burns me up, it does! That, and quite a few other things that I could do a HUGE rant about! DON'T get me started! lol

11:46 AM  

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