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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tagged by Jayne...

Layer One
Name: Amethyst Rising
Birthdate: 2-16-67
Birthplace: Kansas
Current Location:Kansas
Eye Color: very changeable brown
Hair Color: half a dozen different shades of light brown and blonde
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Innie or Outtie: Innie

Layer Two
Your heritage: Irish, English, Cherokee(my Great grandmother was full Cherokee)
The shoes you wore today: comfy mules to chauffer family members around
Your hair: is wild, very thick, wavy, and way too much trouble... But I can't imagine cutting it!Your eyes: Tell you exactly what is in my heart... And are my most complimented body part.
Your weakness: Animals,
Your fears: Something happening to my kids. Also dying without ever having really lived.
Your perfect pizza: I am not much of a pizza eater, I guess my homemade pizza is the best. Around here our only other option is Pizza Hut.
One thing you'd like to achieve: At this point i would settle for achieving anything. ALthough I have started painting again, my latest was hung in the county courthouse.

Layer Three
Your most overused phrase: 'Cool', 'amazing', or 'actually'...
Your first waking thoughts: It can't be morning already....
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Confidence, eyes, presence.
Your best physical feature:
Your bedtime: varies. Usually later than what I would like....
Your greatest fear:
Your greatest accomplishment:
Your most missed memory:My grandparents & Sir.

Layer Four
Pepsi or Coke: used to be addicted to Pepsi... Don't drink soda much anymore
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King, if it's absolutely necessary, but really don't eat much red meat or greasy stuff...
Single or group dates: It's just me and Rick, now. No opportunity for anything else anymore...
Adidas or Nike:Never owned either... When it comes to $50 shoes or groceries, not much of a choice.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither. I usually drink herbal teas, or more specialized teas.
Chocolate or vanilla:Depends. I only eat ice cream about twice a year, if that often, and it is usually some form of chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee mostly, and lots of it, but I do like good cappuchino too.

Layer Five
Smoke: not any more
Cuss: occasionally
Sing: Love singing
Take a shower everyday: yes
Have a crush(es): Now? A crush? I can't think of any...
Who are they:
Do you think you've been in love: Yes. Once.
Want to go to college:Have always wanted to...
Like high school:Loved school, didn't mind to teachers, hated the kids I went to school with...
Want to get married: I am already here... Like it or not
Believe in yourself: what is there to believe in??
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes.
Think you're attractive: no
Think you're a health freak: no.
Get along with your parents: Um - I get along with my mom as long as I only speak when spoken to and do not express any opinion different from hers.
Play an instrument:Piano, some guitar, remember a bit of clarinet from school...

Layer Six
In the past month, did you...
Drink alcohol: no
Smoke: no
Do a drug: only over the counter ones
Make Out: no
Go on a date: no
Eat an entire box of Oreos: no
Eat sushi: nowhere within 100 miles to get sushi
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: No.
Made homemade cookies: lots
Been in love: I am in love... will always be in love... just not with the person i am sharing the rest of my life with
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair:No.
Stolen anything: No.

Layer Seven
Have you ever...
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes.
If so, was it mixed company: Yes.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:yes
Been caught "doing something": Yes.
Been called a tease: Yes.
Gotten beaten up: No.
Shoplifted: no.
Changed who you were to fit in: I have tried on different personalities before figuring out who I really was... Not that I really know that now....

Layer Eight
Age you hope to be married: I'm here
Numbers and Names of Children: Lauren, 20 (on 1-23-06), Isaiah, 7; Guardian, 3 (my gorgeous dog!)
Describe your Dream Wedding: Never had a wedding... guess I just don't think about it now
How do you want to die: without regrets.
What do you want to be when you grow up: confident
What countr(ies) would you most like to visit: Russia, Cuba, Greece, Ireland.

Layer Nine
Number of men I have kissed: 30?
Number of boyfriends you've had: 5?
Number of drugs taken illegally: none, since high school
Number of people I could trust with my life: One. Not that he is anywhere close, but he is the only one that has ever evoked that kind of trust from me
Number of CDs that I own: probably 250.
Number of piercings:7, all in my ears, but now that i'm not working, I want to get my nose done.
Number of tattoos: Just one, so far...
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Lots. I used to be a writer and photographer for the local paper.
Number of scars on my body: lots of tiny ones, 4 "penny slot" ones on my abdomen from gall baldder surgery.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Too many.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a complex person Amethyst. It is interesting to learn things about other people, like for instance, I am only 7 years older than you. You wrote articles and did photography for your local paper? Did you enjoy it? Is it something you could do again, even on a part time basis? What other interests do you have? I love animals, I have 2 dogs and 4 cats. I birdwatch avidly. I'd like to learn photography but just never pursued it. I've tried drafting as a career. It was not social enough for me. I enjoy sailing. I'm a homebody, if given a choice. I wish I could do something to help you. I feel bad for you in your situation. Not pity, NEVER! But I know the hopes you had once not too long ago and I hate to see you not where you'd rather be. I know being stuck. I wish I could help, I'm a fixer at heart. I ponder things and try to come up with solutions to them. Gosh, I hope this doesn't sound stuck up. I just feel for you girl, that's all.

7:53 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Thanks, Juules...
I loved that newspaper job, until my editor left. The new editor was straight out of college, and thought I shouldn't be writing because I didn't have a college degree - Especially since she always got complaints about her spelling, grammer and inacurate facts in her articles, and I only got compliments on mine... She had the publisher fire me, I think she must have sabotaged my bookwork to make me look bad. That bridge is pretty well burned. I would like to find somewhere online to write... I wrote a few articles for an online magazine once, can't even remember the website now... My monthly column was called "Hearth and Home", wrote about parenting and household topics. Didn't get paid, but it was fun.
I am concentrating on my painting right now, although I am currently out of money for canvases. I will come up with something...lol

11:14 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I loved drafting in school... I have never been sailing, but would love to try some day.
The photography was fabulous. My first picture was a semi wreck, in 15 degree weather with 50 mile an hour winds... Cold! But I loved getting out there... It was exciting. I would love to have a really good digital camera to do my own photography. When I was in the city with Sir I saw so much I would have loved to take pictures of, not to mention the fabulous things right here in this county.
I love birdwatching, too... From my window, at least...lol
I have one very spoiled dog, 1/2 blue healer and 1/2 german sheppard, about 60-90 lbs. I love him like crazy. We also have my son's cat, a bit under a year old and queen of the house, and my daughter's outside beagle mix who is about 12 and a big puppy. I suppose I could have made a whole new blog intry with this, couldn't I? LOL

11:24 AM  

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