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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nothing good ever stays that way....

I have been blogging for a couple of years now.

I met people through my first blog that I was very close to... But they changed, and created new blogs, and we drifted apart.

I had a few people from my last blog and this one that I felt close to. They are beginning to drift, too.

No matter how still we stay, life changes anyway...

I feel like I am standing on a railway platform, and my friends have just boarded a train, and are pulling out of the station. I just stay here, waiting on another train to bring new people... And then they will move on, and I will wait for another train....

Beginning to wonder why I even bother? Why should I even care?
My daily average of readers has plumetted, and people I felt close to don't stop by anymore... Should I just move on, find new people who I might get to know, or should I just call it a loss and shut it down?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't go away! My life just got busy over the holidays and I haven't had time to comment, although I still read every day. I'd miss you if you went. Many times, you give me a different perspective on things that really makes me think. Thank you for that and more.

7:43 AM  
Blogger magdala said...

Oh honey, people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It isn't up to us to determine which one they come into it for. Just to accept it and embrace it.

Hugs, babygirl I am sorry you are feeling so down.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I'm not really down, I guess, more just tired of greeting new trains all the time... In real life, people are always moving, going from job to job trying to get ahead, town to town, city to city... You would think on the internet friendships would last longer, it is a mental, spiritual and emotional tie, not relying on physical proximity.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Jayne said...

Hey, Girl. I've noticed the same thing on my blog. I think it's a lesson in attachment. It really is not personal. I know it seems personal and there's that attachment that is broken, but new people always come by. . .

Also, I notice that when I am feeling depressed and negative, people tend to run away, so I have been trying to adjust that attitude (by meditating, listening to music, exercising, etc.) when I can. I think it's an "energy" thing, we are more drawn to people who exude positive energy . . .

PS liked your layer meme : )

12:02 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I don't think I am depressed... I do lots of creative things every day, and lots of reading... Lots of time to do just what I want to do... I'm just making an observation of how things change... And I just thought if no one is interested anymore maybe my time could be better spent somewhere else... I don't think that my reading about Magic, and Wicca is interesting to others, or the paintings I have been doing lately, since I have no way of putting a picture of them on here... My life has gone inward, I don't even leave my house for days at a time, and I don't think that the interest I find in it conveys very well in words...

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read your blog everyday but do not have one myself as i have a very busy high profile job and i travel a lot. i am a solitary wicca practioner and i believe that from reading your blog you are also or aspire to be. i have traveled extensively in great britain and have learned most of my beliefs from my travels.. i believe that you too are a very powerful person and i just feel for you in your circumstances right now. i was at a gathering the other night where someone told me to understand the dream you have to embrace the nightmare. look on lightworkers.org for some inspiration and remember espasa-a channelled word from the ancients meaning to reclaim your power. many blessings -

2:47 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Wow. Thank you so much.
I envy you, I have always wanted to actually KNOW someone else in the practice of Wicca... Someone to learn from...
I can't afford too many books, and I never know who to believe online... Thank you for the link...
It may sound silly, but my Grandmother, and my mother both had psychic abilities... And were/are very strong women... I sometimes wonder if the craft (or at least interest in it) could be genetic?
Anyway, thank you so much... Hope to hear more from you..

4:11 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

um... It was lightworkers.com, but I found it...

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jayne said...

Personally, I would love to hear about more from you than your readings in Magic and Wicca. I am always up for new ideas and ways to look at the world, healing work, recipies, etc.

You may have a gift you could really share, and the Internet is a wonderful way, especially when you are feeling so isolated right now. Just my 2 cents . . .

4:22 PM  
Blogger Jayne said...

Ak! I meant I would love to hear more about your readings in Magic and Wicca. Don't know what happened to that sentence! : )

4:24 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

LOL...I had read that sentence a few times, but I figured out what you meant...lol
I have been working on a blog entry on a few things that I have learned recently about just what "magic" is... You might find it interesting, if and when I ever finish it...

4:29 PM  

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