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Friday, January 13, 2006

Mean cities

"SARASOTA, Fla. - Sarasota, which recently imposed a no-camping ban, is the meanest city in the nation toward the homeless, according to a national advocacy organization.
The annual list of the 20 worst cities for treating the homeless in 2005 ranks Lawrence, Kan., as second meanest, and Little Rock, Ark., third. Atlanta, Dallas, Las Vegas and Houston were also among the top 10.
Sarasota bans sleeping outside overnight without permission on public or private property. A judge recently upheld the ordinance passed by city commissioners in August after two similar no-camping rules were declared unconstitutional.
"They could have been taken off the mean list if they would have just done away with that ordinance," said Michael Stoops, acting director of the Washington-based National Coalition for the Homeless.
Sarasota officials say the no-lodging rule helps keep the city's homeless out of unsafe and unhealthy camps." Read more HERE.

Um... This doesn't say if the City of Sarasota has enough beds in shelters for every homeless person... And they are not taking into account those homeless who are too wary of shelters to go to one... This law keeps them from sleeping on the street, where do they expect them to go?

Lawrence, Kansas made the second meanest city in the United States. That is one city I have never been to, flew by it on the interstate a few times, but never stopped. I have heard it is not that nice of a city to the general public, unless you fit into a certain "group".

This is all a pretty sad thing, that there is even a need for a report like this one, don't you think?

The treatment of the less fortunate in our society is a truer indication of what kind of a society we are that the treatment of the elite.

The National Coalition for the Homeless' report: http://www.nationalhomeless.org/publications/crimreport/index.html


Blogger Matthew May said...

Excellent and well-needed-to-hear Post.
Thank you for the link.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Thank you... And you are welcome. :-)

5:48 PM  

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