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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Yellowstone Bison

(Check out the full sized picture of this guy HERE - He's awesome!)

I thought you might be interested in this HSUS campaign to stop the slaughter of Yellowstone buffalo.The Yellowstone buffalo herd is the last genetically pure herd in America. And yet, these animals are hazed and killed if they stray from the confines of Yellowstone Park as they naturally forage for food during the winter and spring. The state and federal agencies responsible for this slaughter justify their actions as necessary to prevent the spread of brucellosis, even though there has never been a confirmed incidence of brucellosis transmission in the wild from bison to cattle. I hope you will contact your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to help stop this meaningless killing by co-sponsoring theYellowstone Buffalo Preservation Act. It only takes a minute.Here is the LINK:

For more info on the Yellowstone Bison, go HERE.

The bison population of Yellowstone National Park is one of the last remaining bison populations in the United States that does not contain bison-domestic cattle hybrids. The Yellowstone population is also the only continuously wild bison herd in the United States, descended from the 23 individuals who remained in the area after the near extirpation of bison by European settlers. These animals are truly among the last wild bison in the United States, and they are being slaughtered, at a cost of $2.6 million annually, due to exaggerated concerns about disease risks to a handful of cows.


Blogger Jayne said...

I will check this out! Thanks for getting the word out. Referring to an earlier comment you made in another post, I am totally with you on the "kitchen witch" way of life. I love making soaps, essential oil concoctions, I take flower essences, etc. To me, herbs are so gentle and the most natural thing in the world for healing.

(PS I have a blogging question - I was not able to subscribe to your blog on Bloglines - is there a setting you can turn on to allow subscriptions?)

11:00 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I looked around... I didn't see anything in settings... Sorry! If someone else knows what I need to do let me know!

11:59 AM  

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