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Friday, December 02, 2005

Question for the bookworms

There is a link over there -----> in my sidebar to a pagan store... There are so many great things on that website... Tons of stuff!
Anyway, I found this book that sounds interesting... I was just wondering if anyone had ever read it? REALLY reminded me of this entry from Jason's blog.


Martia Nelson

"This is one of those books that will come to you when you are ready. It is a book about our birth right to be in touch with our true self. To be able to look to no other for anwsers that have always been there. To be able to have and more correctly to allow ourselves to have every desire. It is a book to help you see that you have always had your higher self/God within not more than a breath away. The book is just the start of endless information that will set you free. Free from your inner torments of critism, to know that you are the pure spirit that you came into this world. I would recommend this book for those who are tired of depending on others to for answers and peace of mind. I have spoken to Marsia Nelson (a session), she is warm and wonderful. She is very efficient and gets to the heart of the matter. She is therapy at warp-speed at a level of safety. "


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