I hate beind sick!!!
This year, Rena and her husband are going to his family's for Thanksgiving, (which is probably a relief for her since they don't like to spend time with her "low life" sister and her family) so it is just my mom, R and I, and our son, I think our daughter and her good for nothing boyfriend are going to be at a friends house.
That is probably a good thing, though, since I woke up sick on Sunday, and have been getting worse since. I am still trying to get things done, but it's hard. R is a big help most years, he loves to cook, but he started his new job yesterday and is working long hours. My mom promised to go shopping for me and get the rest of what I need, which is going to help. Cooking starts tomorrow, I hope I wake up miraculously healed in the morning.
I have weak lungs, and everything I catch settles there, so I have been guzzling Robitussin to try to keep it from going there because if it does it will be weeks before I am well. I have also been doing the vitamin C and zinc thing, even guided imagery. Trying to get more rest, but that is an impossible thing around here.
We have to go to Rena's for Christmas, I hope I am this sick then so I have an excuse not to go there and be treated like dirt... LOL
I just wish I could crawl back under the covers and stay there for days....
Anyway, posts may be few and far between this week... Wish me luck on pulling off this dinner! LOL
OK, end of the whining session.... Back to work....
Boil some water, add rosemary and breath deeply. It will help, I promise.
Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
Thanks guys... Whiskey? I can do that...LOL
I love rosemary, I will definately try that too...
During my recent bout with the bug some one recommended a product called Airborne(www.airbornehealth.com)
It REALLY helped. You can get it at Walmart.
I SO feel for you right now. I'm still not all the way back from being sick and have 20 plus people to cook for tomorrow. I may need that whiskey by tomorrow night.
Healthy thoughts sent your way girl. I hope you feel better soon. There's nothing like feeling bad and having to be up and working hard. Darnit. I'm with Jas, although I'd probably go for a hot rummy drink. Happy Thanksgiving sweetie. We all have much to be thankful this year don't we?
Thanks Twocents... I love that stuff... But without an income, I can't really afford it right now... I usually keep it around and take it at the first sign of something coming on and it always makes it go away before it gets this bad...This time I just didn't have any...
Jules - Seems like the main thing I can be thankful for this year is that I am still standing. The universe has tried pretty hard to knock me on my ass this year...That which does not kill me makes me stronger, right?
Yes Girl! Every day breathing is a good day!
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