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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bad Dreams

I know they say that dreams are good for you.
I just wish that there was a pill that would stop your dreams for when you are going through a rough spot in your dream life... When you are having recurring dreams that are really upsetting.

Take now, for instance. I have been having two recurring dreams. The first has only happened a few times, and doesn't upset me unless I wake up directly afterwards in the middle of the night. I have been dreaming that someone in pulling on my blankets, grabbing my legs, telling me that there are spirits in the house that still need dealt with... (My mom's house is very haunted). That's not too bad, it could be just my overactive imagination.

The second dream, however, is the problem. It's not actually the same dream, it's the same subject. I have a marvelously real dream about Sir, and when I wake up, I reach for him, and about the time my hand hits that empty pillow, I realize what happened... And it feels like a wrecking ball hits me in the chest.
How long after the end of a relationship does it take for this sort of thing to go away? I have circles under my eyes like a grandma raccoon.... *sigh*
Surely these dreams are not good for me....
Sort of like the "night terrors" that my daughter used to have.... She would be sitting up, screaming her head off, yelling at people standing in the corners of her room, eyes wide open, and be sound asleep.... Talk about a horrible period in the whole family's lives.... That was soooo scary....

Anyway... I can usually "preprogram" my dreams, and I can now, but several times a week these other dreams slip in there...


Blogger Gaye said...

I've never been able to preprogram my dreams, but I am able to control a dream that is recurring. The first time I dream it I'm caught off guard and the whole thing plays out. The next time I enter the dream and verbally/physically take control of it. I tell myself it's only a dream and then proceed to lead it in the direction it needs to go to satisfy me...then I never dream it again. Hang in there...

7:35 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

THe only way I have ever dealt with anything painful is to ignore it... Not good, I know, but it's the way I've always done it... Move on without working through anything...

5:18 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

After having lived in and around the spirits in this house for 28 years, I really think the first dream may be some sort of communication... I hope so, I would like to learn more about them...
The second dream, I just need to get over. I couldn't change sir's mind, and that's that. Guess it was a good time while it lasted... I have to quit thinking about what "could have been"... Take it for what it was and move on...
The last night or two I have had success in somewhat controlling my dreams... If I had either of these, I didn't remember them... That's a good thing...

5:23 AM  

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