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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sunday morning coming down....

I have this book, "List Your Self" Listmaking as the Way to Self-Discovery by Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick. Every page has a sentence at the top, and blank lines underneath. Every sentence is a topic for a list you are to make.
I randomly opened it this morning, and this is the list I got:"Suddenly you can re-create your childhood, List what experiences you would make come out differently."

I immediately thought of many things I would want to change, but most of them were things that other people were in charge of. My mother not wanting to leave her parents to move to a state with my dad where he didn't have a job yet. If she had been more courageous, my life would have turned out a lot different.
My mom not letting my dad ever see me. Knowing him as I grew up would have changed the way I perceived myself. My mother taught me guilt trips, the importance not of being yourself but of being who the world expects you to be, insecurity, and not trusting myself. My dad is the type who would have taught me that there is nothing I can't do, and that it is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.

When the boys in my class started teasing me about being fat, I would have looked in the mirror and realized that I wasn't. I look at the pictures of me then, and I wasn't stick thin like most of the other girls in our class, I had curves long before I knew what to do with them. But I wasn't fat. That one thing has effected me more than anything in my life. I have worked for 20 years to get rid of the feelings of inferiority that were rooted in those years of taunting from the boys.

I love my children, but when I was 17 and met their dad, I would have stood up and insisted that I go to college and become who I was meant to be, and then got married. I wouldn't have married so soon because I thought that R wouldn't want to wait for me. When I graduated high school I had the chance to study art in Paris for the summer, but I passed it up because I didn't think R would wait for me, and that he would have moved on to someone else by the time I got back. He loved me, I clung to that like a drowning person to a floatation device. I thought no one else would ever love me if I lost him.

There are so many little things that if I had to do over again, knowing what I know now, would have made me into the person that I really want to be, with the training, and experiences I could have had, but will never have now.


Blogger magdala said...

Babygirl, life is much too short for regrets. Everything that has happened in your life has shaped you into who you are today. Rather than mourn the losses as you see them now, instead embrace the possibilities yet to come. You wouldn't have the tools to deal with what comes your way now had you not aquired them in the past.

10:40 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

The things in my past DID make me who I am today... But who I am is not who i want to be, it just is who I am...
Lots of things I would love to do and be that are too far gone now... I just have to make the most of who I am now...

10:44 AM  
Blogger magdala said...

Too far gone now? What are you dead? Nothing is ever too far gone...just that it may have a different twist to it than it would have then. That doesn't make it less only different and perhaps better than it would have been then. Don't give up, never give up you never know where it will take you even now.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Jayne said...

Hi, Amethyst. I followed you from one of your comments on Jason's Journey and want to read more about your thoughts. I hope you don't mind my unsolicited opinion and I do not mean to be unvalidating for what you are experiencing (gotta love comments, lol!) but I have to agree with Magdala on this one.

My grandmother went back to school and started her second life and career at 50! Yes, she had her kids young, but once they were raised, she hit the reset button on her life and was hugely successful - traveled the globe, etc.

I took a peek at your profile, you're still a spring chicken (as my daddy, from TX, used to say!) Come on over to my cult, er, church, sometime, for a little good cheer and encouragement ; )
- Rev. Jayne

12:36 PM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Nothing I can do from Hooterville... and I can't afford to move, can't afford to go to school can't afford to do anything... Plus, this job makes me hurt so bad I can barely walk when I get off work... I don't have the energy to do anything else... Life could be a lot worse, so I just go along with it...

12:43 PM  
Blogger magdala said...

When the pain of doing nothing becomes greater than the pain of doing something, you will do something.

Just remember that babygirl.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

Magdala - I just don't see how I can do anything but what I am doing...NOt doing nothing, but not doing what I thought I would be doing, either...
Red - The bad part about growing is I seem to grow away from people as fast as I grow close to them... Something always comes up that puts distance between us...

10:47 AM  
Blogger Amethyst Rising said...

I don't know what you were like as a kid... But I wouldn't change anything about you now, Jason....

11:53 AM  

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